Looking for More
Helpful tools include resources for enhancing partnerships, sample policies, evaluation tools, and environmental enhancements to promote lasting change. Resources will be continuously added so revisit this for more information as you develop your EFNEP PSE programs.
Links and Resources for PSE
Documents and PDFs

2016 North Carolina Annual Report

Building and Implementing Healthy Food Service
Toolkit about building healthy food choices from The Food Trust.
The Food Trust
Brief overview and examples of policy, systems, and environmental level change.
CDC Health Equity Resource Toolkit
Toolkit to address health equity and obesity prevention.
Health-Equity-Resource-Toolkit.pdfSee Common Settings
PSE efforts involve others – other agencies, other contributors to the positive outcomes, and impacts. All contributing collaborators take credit for their part in the overall change. See how it all fits together in our interactive model.
Did You Know Reporting is Easy?
Reporting is easy. Before reporting, look through examples of partnerships, and work you may already be conducting in different settings. Next, report the policy, systems, and environmental impact in EFNEP WebNEERS. Sharing success stories whenever possible, to show key improvements for stakeholders, helps highlight the great work in your state.